Current Series

Everyday Miracles

Jesus performed countless miracles—each one revealing the heart of God and inviting people to believe in him. In this series, we’ll unpack seven miracles recorded in the Gospel of John. These signs weren’t just displays of extraordinary power; they were glimpses of God’s character and invitations to deeper faith through seemingly ordinary things, in people’s everyday lives. As we explore these wonders, we’ll discover how Jesus is still at work today, moving in our real lives, through everyday miracles.

Recent Message Series


Victor Vazquez | El milagro al noble

Pr. Kevin McPeak | Jesus Heals the Official’s Son

Rafael Gonzalez | El Amor nunca cambia

Cindy Gonzalez | Love is Unchanging

Lorene Macias | No Guarda Rencor

Lorene Macias | Keeps No Record Of Wrongs

Pr. Fito Gonzalez | Who Are You?

Pr. Fito Gonzalez | Saber Quién Somos

Eduardo Prieto | El Amor: Es Paciente y Bondadoso

Leticia Alvarado | Love Is: Patiend & Kind

Lorene Macias | Next Right Step Toward Relational Depth

Rafael Gonzalez | Hacia la profundidad relacional